Monday, July 1, 2013

nihilistics s/t ep

here's an interesting record. the nihilistics were from new york and existed in the 80s and may still be around now..they're known as the guys who ripped off the duch hardcore band suspence and then did everything possible to say they did the song first. don't know what i mean? look it up! this ep is well interestinng. the drums seem to be doing whatever they want with no real reguard to the music. oh does everything elce..the bassest must have been off on another plannet. the music is very good, sloppy and uh..nihilistic..the lyrics are what you'd expect from this sort of band..pain, death, bla bla bla. they later got tighter and released a really good lp but to me this is the best they did. it's so primative. how seriously this band is taken is open to debate and depends on who you ask. though i'm sure this stuff is just for laughs..get this now. and i'll try to post more as the year goes on..i do have a lot of records, just feeling burnt out
