Wednesday, December 5, 2012

pt is 3!

3 years ago today i was bored. i had a sort of blog thing going for about a year but it wasn't going anywhere or doing anything. plus it was on and who goes to song meanings to read a blog? justin did but that's another story. well i was bored so i wanted to see how hard it was to make a blog on blogger. easy as it turned out and what became political trendy was born. i've had comments from europe and canada and america, people from bands comment, and i got a british guy to help me. to all of you who like my blog i give you my thanks and i hope you come back for more. to be honest i'm not where i thought i would be. i thought i would be at a point where almost every post would have comments and people would have discussions about the records. maybe it'd get to the point where i couldn't read all comments. sadly i rarely get any comments. i'd like to know people are reading this. i thought after 3 years i'd get some huge responce. i have a small following. and i'm so greatful for those people. bishop, zach, maybe justin and a few others i'm not sure about. you guys rule. as do anyone who's left a comment including agz, paul from disattack, the guitarest i think from the throwaways (sorry it's been a really long time), and buck from the modernettes. not bad actually. also i know per of filthy christians has read this and erich keller has commented on this. also brian and ed from garden weasel and ryan from a lot of bands. and to everyone who i know that's never seen my blog...i hate you. seriously thanks guys. you give me hope that some day i will get noticed. and to the hate comment i got...whoever you are, you're great. i do enjoy getting hate mail. so anyway just thanks for everything and hope you will keep suporting political trendy in the future. and bishop, answer your emails about the record!


  1. Good deal Elliott, congrats. It's a great outlet, something just has to be said about the music.

  2. thanks for commenting! i agree, the music comes first on this blog. and thanks for the inspiration!


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